Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7:30pm on Monday, 21 June 2021, on the Nunton Recreation Field.

Present: Sally Nelson (Chairman, retiring), Colin Berry, Jackie Owen, Hazel Docherty, Edward Riley, Nigel Start, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Wiltshire Cllr Richard Clewer and no members of the public.

Apologies Received and Accepted: Thomas Newman.

21/21 Open Public Forum: None.

22/21 Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Following the Election on 6 May and the re-run Election scheduled for 24 June, Colin Berry, Jackie Owen, Hazel Docherty and Edward Riley agreed to accept OPC’s code of conduct and will each complete their register of Members Interests within 28 days.

23/21 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Owen proposed and Cllr Berry seconded, Cllr Riley as Chairman. Cllr Riley proposed and Cllr Berry seconded, Cllr Owen as Vice-chairman.

24/21 Co-option: The retiring Chairman and Vice-Chairman both agreed to continue as OPC members. Cllr Nelson and Cllr Start agreed to accept OPC’s code of conduct and will each review their register of Members Interests.

25/21 Minutes of the Ordinary OPC meeting held on 19 April were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.

26/21 Delegation of Functions: LGA 1972 s101 allows for the functions of a statutory authority to be discharged through a committee, sub-committee, officer or any other local authority. It was unanimously agree that when necessary, statutory functions would be delegated to the Parish Clerk as Proper Officer of Odstock Parish Council.

27/21 Meeting Dates: It was unanimously agreed to hold future scheduled meetings on a Wednesday evening as follows:
1 September, 1 December, 2 February 2022 and the Annual meetings on 11 May 2022. In accordance with LGA72 sch.12 s.9(1), Extraordinary PC meetings can be called by the Chairman at any time or by any two councillors and may be subject to LGA72 sch.12 s.10(2) requiring three clear days notice. Meeting cancellations will be similarly advised.

28/21 Community Initiatives: Cllr Nelson reported on the coordinated efforts by parishioners in Odstock, Nunton, Bodenham and the surrounding villages which had minimised the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

29/21 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Field Access:
Cllr Nelson agreed to collect the keys to the Nunton gates, storage shed and the Pavilion and will assist the Chairman in establishing a plan for safe keeping and access.
b) Pavilion: Following a discussion, it was agreed that a plan for redecoration will need to be established.
c) Electric Meter: Southern Electric is planning to install a smart meter to better record OPC’s energy usage.

30/21 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Wiltshire Council Highways:
Cllr Start agreed to act as the Parish Steward liaison coordinator. There was a suggestion that a ‘drainage review’ will need to be conducted because heavy rain can lead to localised flooding, in particular at the Odstock crossroads where storm water streaming down Whitsbury road often overwhelms the drains. New growth along the footway between Odstock manor and the crossroads and at Jacobs corner on the road to the hospital requires regular attention. The online ‘MyWilts’ app is the preferred method for reporting highways defects.
b) CATG: Cllr Berry has negotiated a redesign of the plans for the Nunton Footway Project. The original estimate was expected to be about £55,000 with an OPC contribution of £7,000. The new design is likely to save about £10,000.
c) Community Speed Watch: Awaiting further information on the installation of a Speed Indicator Device (SID) from the CSW Team leader. Once a proposal is agreed, a decision can be made at a future OPC meeting.

31/21 Planning: PL/2021/05059 - Demolition of existing garage and single storey kitchen to the rear of the property. Construction of two storey side and rear extension to provide inclusive and accessible accommodation at 4 Ebbleside Villas, Nunton. SP5 4HT. OPC resolved to support this application.

32/21 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Wiltshire Council:
Wiltshire Cllr Clewer stressed the importance of responding to consultations, as appropriate.
b) Southern Wiltshire Area Board: At the virtual meeting on 28 May, Wiltshire Cllrs discussed reports from the Fire Service, Police Service, Rural Housing Needs and the Community Led Housing Group. Youth Engagement is a high priority with a £40k budget last year. For the current year, the Southern Wiltshire Area Board has a budget of £96k, an increase of 31% on the previous year. News is reported at https://ocm.wiltshire.gov.uk/southernwiltshire/news/.
c) Police: Odstock Parish is policed by the Salisbury Community Policing Team and there is an irregular newsletter reporting on relevant matters in the area. Residents are encouraged to subscribe to Community Messaging, both to assist with and to report on the detection and prevention of criminal activity. www.WiltsMessaging.co.uk
d) WALC: The June monthly newsletter invited applications for membership of the WALC executive committee and included several ‘new councillor’ training events. https://www.wiltshire-alc.org.uk/training/
e) Local Agenda 21: This is an International initiative which Wiltshire Council has supported in the past.
f) Community First: A charity supporting community development in Wiltshire and who also administer OPC’s Insurance Policy underwritten by Zurich Municipal.
g) Cranbourne Chase & WWD AONB: Upcoming events are listed on www.CranborneChase.org.uk.

33/21 Finance:
a) Payments:
The following were approved:
  R Parsons – Clerk's salary (April) BACS £272.80p
  H Joynt – Garden Maintenance (March, April, May) BACS £180.00p
  Firstalpha Ltd – Website Development & IT BACS £120.00p
  Bawden Contracting Services Ltd – Grass Cutting (March, April) BACS £442.80p
  R Parsons – Clerk's salary (May) BACS £272.80p
  WALC – Annual Subscription BACS £222.46p
  Southern Electric – Nunton Field Electricity DD £46.92p
  Community First Trading – Zurich Insurance Renewal BACS £516.92p

34/21 Any Other Business (for information only): 1. Cllr Start plans to re-apply for an AONB grant to move underground some of the overhead electric cables. 2. Cllr Owen stated that the OPC website is difficult to navigate.

35/21 The next OPC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 1 September 2021.

The meeting closed at 9:17pm

Signed without amendment by the Chairman, Cllr Edward Riley, as a true record on 1 September 2021.

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